Thursday, April 5, 2012

A bit of background....

The Pacific Northwest is a pretty wonderful place to live. To balance things out a bit it is also ripe for a major natural disaster. Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and routine flooding are on the minds of many here. These things are especially daunting for a small dog. It has take no small effort on my part to get my companions to listen. Being ready for this sort of stuff is important. I have a couple of problems that I need regular medication for and what veterinarian will be available in a disaster? I also get cold easily. Ya, ya, ya... I'm a Chihuahua. I have short hair not fur. I have other problems that need tending to also. As you can imagine I have regular discussions with both my doctor and my companions to keep it all together. Which brings us to disasters. I know I need a little extra effort on a day to day basis, and what will happen when nothing around me is working properly? A dog has to think of these things. I had to devise a plan to get them to think of these emergencies...