Sunday, April 21, 2013

Natura Pet Recall!

You know, one day you're eating the food you've been eating for what seems like forever and them BAM, you're eating something new without notice. I overhead Adele saying that my food had been recalled and we had to get something else. She called over the Mudbay and she seemed please with their recommendations. They drove off and left us to wait. Oh ya, I haven't mentioned the "us" part, but I'll get to that later. They came home with a bunch of samples of new foods to try. The next few days are going to be exciting. They kept talking about the Natura Pet food recall and what needed to be done to get the GHB's restocked and ready to go. I do like it when we get to play with the disaster kits! If you are currently using any Natura Pet brands go replace that food right away just to be safe. Good Luck.
