Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Getting connected all around

This social media stuff is hard for a Chihuahua to figure out. I think I have Facebook set up now too. Visit my pages all over the web at:




I hope these all work... Otherwise send me a message at deputyzorro AT gmail DOT com


Monday, August 13, 2012

Taking a ride in the sling

I know I mentioned my carry sling. I really like it. If I get too worn out to continue walking, or if I have a seizure and just need to rest, I get to ride in the sling. It is not really fancy, but it fits just right. Here's me in the sling. I don't get to ride in it too often, though. It is nice to be able to relax and watch the world from a higher vantage point sometimes.

If I get really tired I can nuzzle down into the sling and go to sleep. Not a bad deal.


Thursday, August 9, 2012

You never know where you'll be...

You never know where you might be when you need your meds, and something to eat. Just the other day we had to go visit a relative and keep an eye on the kids. It was certainly fun with lots of room to run around. There were other dogs to keep it interesting. The evening ran into the night and then the night went a little long. Before I knew it I had missed dinner and was starving. Well at least I was super hungry. I also needed my meds. I get this feeling of being a little off when I don't get my meds and I felt it coming on. I did the bark-dance and gave Adele my stern look. Then Markus grabbed my meds from the walk bag. Then came the Cesar. What a treat. I normally eat the California Natural grain free dry food. The moist Cesar is fun to eat and it comes in its own bowl. Very convenient when we're not at home. Markus says everything is easier with the walk bag, and there's less to be concerned about. I just hope they don't buy a backpack and make me carry all this stuff. I might be a tough little Chihuahua. I'm still a Chihuahua not some sort of draft horse!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Here's my walk bag

I've been busy adding cool pins to my Pinterest boards. I've added images of my walk bag and disaster bag. Now some folks like to call the disaster bag a "five-day bag" or a "GHB" for Get Home Bag. I'll save that for later. For now let me show you a little more about my walk bag...