Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A new item in the bag!

Later that day after my away from home seizure, we talked about what would happen if we were walking and not near the car. Even with the walk bag and a quick recovery, I might not be able to travel very well on my own after a seizure. They came up with a simple sling that Markus would wear like a sash diagonally with me tucked inside it. Adele set about and had a nice one put together in no time. It was cotton with a nice flannel sheet lining. I have to admit I was skeptical of the plan at first. Then Markus gave me a ride in the sling and it wasn't half bad. I could see what was going on around me and he was able to see me if I had a problem. Adele didn't like the feel of the sling. It was a little uncomfortable for her so she put together a different one that wrapped crisscross on her chest and I got to ride looking up at her. It was very reassuring to me. So the rescue sling was permanently added to my walk bag, and it's been put to use more than once too. I like knowing that no matter where we go, we can keep moving even when I'm not well or too exhausted to continue.

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