Monday, May 27, 2013

What Is That Noise? A Moaning Cow?

Shortly after the new food arrived so did another box. I tend to pay little attention to the things that Markus brings home, unless it's something for me. He began working in the kitchen and after a little while he took in a bag of my food. Of course I was now interested and walked in to join him. Roo was in his usual position lounging on the couch. All of a sudden there was this horrible sound. Like a moaning cow or something.

Post-Recall Food - What Will I Eat?

Instinct Grain-Free Kibble for Dogs: Limited Ingredient Diet: Lamb Meal Formula

With that food recall all of the dry food in my disaster bags had to be destroyed! Well at least there was still the Cesar's in the bag. Adele likes to have some wet food. She says its for the water content. I like it because it's fun to eat that soft sloppy stuff every so often. Seriously though, without the dry food my bags were going to be short some food and I was worried.

Maybe I shouldn't have worried too much though. Those two ran out right away and found a solution. First, our friends at Mud Bay helped out, and Adele brought home some new food. It's tasty and similar to my other food. The only problem I saw was there weren't any small pouches for my disaster bag. I started to worry again.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Where The Heck Did He Come From?

It didn't take long for Adele to try and explain how Roo came to us. Markus was out looking for some furniture when I stumbled upon a pet rescue adoption event. She said he saw Roo and sent a picture. When he explained it he told me he just had to get Roo out of he cage. I get that and Roo seems really happy to be here. That's where his name came from - Rescue Roo.

He does hog the attention, though. He likes to jump up no people. I can' t jump as well as him and he's shameless. Nuzzling for affection and aggressively getting them to pet him. At least he helps when I have to run into the back yard to tell that neighbor dog to stay on her side of fence. And he's fast, really fast.

Maybe I'll let him know about this blog and let him post too.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

It's Not Just Me Anymore

It's been a long time since I been able to get on the computer. I have a new brother who came home in December. Markus left to run an errand and a little later Adele took me out into the front yard. It was so excited to see Markus' car pull into the driveway. I'm always excited to see him come home and I started running toward the car. This time Adele gently held me back and I was a little confused. Then Markus got out of the car WITH ANOTHER DOG. Seriously. Out of the blue he brings another dog home with no warning, no discussion, not even a subtle hint like putting out another food dish. Just go out and presto! I have a brother. It's not like I was moping around asking to have someone else around to compete with for attention. I have to admit though, he is a handsome canine.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Natura Pet Recall!

You know, one day you're eating the food you've been eating for what seems like forever and them BAM, you're eating something new without notice. I overhead Adele saying that my food had been recalled and we had to get something else. She called over the Mudbay and she seemed please with their recommendations. They drove off and left us to wait. Oh ya, I haven't mentioned the "us" part, but I'll get to that later. They came home with a bunch of samples of new foods to try. The next few days are going to be exciting. They kept talking about the Natura Pet food recall and what needed to be done to get the GHB's restocked and ready to go. I do like it when we get to play with the disaster kits! If you are currently using any Natura Pet brands go replace that food right away just to be safe. Good Luck.
