Wednesday, May 22, 2013

It's Not Just Me Anymore

It's been a long time since I been able to get on the computer. I have a new brother who came home in December. Markus left to run an errand and a little later Adele took me out into the front yard. It was so excited to see Markus' car pull into the driveway. I'm always excited to see him come home and I started running toward the car. This time Adele gently held me back and I was a little confused. Then Markus got out of the car WITH ANOTHER DOG. Seriously. Out of the blue he brings another dog home with no warning, no discussion, not even a subtle hint like putting out another food dish. Just go out and presto! I have a brother. It's not like I was moping around asking to have someone else around to compete with for attention. I have to admit though, he is a handsome canine.

They're calling him Roo, as in Rescue Roo. So now there's me, Deputy Zorro, and him, Rescue Roo. I thought this was a silly name until I learned where it came from. I think it's a good name now too. Here he is...

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