Monday, May 27, 2013

What Is That Noise? A Moaning Cow?

Shortly after the new food arrived so did another box. I tend to pay little attention to the things that Markus brings home, unless it's something for me. He began working in the kitchen and after a little while he took in a bag of my food. Of course I was now interested and walked in to join him. Roo was in his usual position lounging on the couch. All of a sudden there was this horrible sound. Like a moaning cow or something.

It was a pained sound and it kept happening every few minutes. Markus would mess with some of my food - never dropping any might I add - and then the noise. Turns out its a packaging machine called  a Food Saver. It was pretty neat. It took a little while and then Markus had bagged enough food to put in both the disaster bags for both Roo and I! It looked like this!

He made each pouch into one meal and two pouches were connected. So each could be one day for one dog or (since there's another dog now) one meal for both of us. Markus also made up a few extra for my walk bag! The pouches look like this:

So no need to worry. My disaster bag... Well actually the disaster bags for both me and Roo were full again. 


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