Thursday, October 25, 2012

And a few tricks in the 5-Day bags...

So they worked hard on creating my 5-Day bags that night, and a little more now and then, here and there, when they thought about it. In the process they did a couple of things I didn't expect. Now being a Chihuahua I'm not quite sure what I expected. They came up with a way to store nitrile gloves so they wouldn't get damaged. And they came up with a simple container for a first aid kit for me.

Here's how they stored the gloves. They rolled four gloves individually and put them in a plastic Q-Tip travel case. It's easy enough to get a pair of gloves out and keeps them from getting damaged.

 They also took one of those $1 first aid kits and replaced the contents with more useful stuff. It has tweezers, gauze pads, roller gauze, disinfectant wipes, butterfly closures, some antibiotic ointment, and some adhesive bandages. It fits just right too.


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