Monday, October 22, 2012

Finally, organized kits!

So Markus & Adele were grating on each other about how to organize my disaster kits. They couldn't agree on how much food, water, medications, or practically anything to put in the kits.  They practiced now and then, bringing their bags into the house and talking through a disaster. It just wasn't clicking and I was afraid they might just give up. Then one day...
 They went out for an unrelated adventure, leaving me at home all alone, and came home with the answer. They had stopped by Dick's Sporting Goods and there were these cheap fishing bags on sale. they bought two and decided to make them into my bags! Finally, something they agreed on something.

They spent the evening packing these bags identically so that they both knew where everything was in either bag. At first they called them my 5-Day Bags. They had five days of food (probably a little more) and water, medications and other important stuff. It had towels and sweaters, a soft blanket and so on. It was so much fun sniffing and licking. I chewed each chew toy a little before they were packed.

Here's how the bags look now.  There have been some changes since that night.

They have all this stuff in them!

It might be hard to see what this stuff is, so here's a list:

I'll tell you more about this story soon.


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