Monday, October 15, 2012

GHB! What the heck is a GHB for a dog?

What's a GHB? It's a Get Home Bag. For the human-folk they like to fill these with the stuff they might need to get home in a disaster. It has less than they would need to survive the disaster but enough to make sure they can get to their disaster supplies. Since I'm not able to carry my own bag of stuff, Markus and Adele have made my Walk Bag my GHB. It's the bare minimum that I always have when I'm away from home. And don't forget, each of their cars carries one of my disaster bags. Does your pet need a their own GHB? Do you even have one?

What would you do if you headed off to the park with your dog and an earthquake struck? What if you were no longer able to drive your companion home. Would you both be alright? Simply put, that is the purpose of the GHB. It lets you get back on track to reach the start point of your disaster plan. The basics should be all that is needed - unless you might be farther away like visiting relatives 20 or more miles away. That's a long walk for a little dog (and a lot of the human-folk too).

What should you include for your dog in their GHB? Any medications, a little food and water, don't forget the treats, some basic first aid supplies, something for warmth, something for waste (poop bags), and that's a minimum. Consider the environment you will need to move through (will your companion be warm or need extra water to cool down). What does your companion need when things get stressful? Here's a short video with a nice doggie GHB. It's for a little larger dog that can carry their own supplies. It shows how simple it can be.

There may be things already in your GHB that do not need to be duplicated, like first aid supplies and water (so long as there's enough for all of you).


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