Monday, October 29, 2012

Are 5 days of medication really enough?

During one of those random moments when Adele was preparing to order more medications for me a question was posed. She started talking with Markus about whether five days of medication in the disaster bags was a enough. After all, how soon after a disaster would pharmacies start dispensing medications for pets? 
That became a real concern suddenly. Whatever medications were being sent into the area would be conserved for humans. Now Adele normally gets my meds a months supply at a time. So there should be more than just five days for me in a disaster. What if there wasn't?

So she worked with the Vet, argued, complained, and fussed, until they relented. We could have two 30 day supplies, one for each disaster bag. That was a lot of work for her since she had to convince the Vet. In the end, she won them over!

Now the best case scenario makes both bags available to me with 60 days of medications total. That would be enough to hold me over if we had to go somewhere else and find a new Vet.

To keep the medications well within their expiration dates, each bags medications are swapped out ever other month. New meds into a bag, older meds get used.  Since the meds are good for more than a year this cycle works really well.

It's nice to be ready.


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