Thursday, October 18, 2012

They used to say 3 days of supplies, but now....

A long time ago someone told folks to have three days of emergency supplies. In the western states where earthquakes were common this seemed like a good idea to some. Then around the 2005 Hurricane Katrina catastrophe in New Orleans the recommended amount of supplies increased. So how many days should everyone have? The numbers seem to be a little different from one source to the next. Needless to say, being better prepared is being better prepared. Have a plan and have supplies necessary for your plan. BUT, don't forget that your pets need to be in that plan too. It's just not ok to have 10 days of food and water for yourself and 2 days for your pets. How much do you think Markus and Adele put aside for me? What is their plan?

Markus and Adele had put together some emergency supplies in different bags. One was for each of their cars. It didn't take too long before the differences in how their bags were packed created some problems. Neither knew if the other had this item or that item. Worse Markus couldn't find stuff in Adele's bag when he was in a hurry. Those first bags had some good stuff in them - although something just wasn't right.

I made a point of sniffing and licking everything before it went into the bags. This was my contribution. To make sure all the other dogs knew this was mine! I also wanted to recognize it the next time it saw any of it.

Something had to change.... They might have been planning. They just didn't have an actual plan.


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